Telegram is rising in popularity as a secure messaging platform. However, some people don’t want to give the app their phone number, which is required for setting up an account. The good news is, there are ways around this requirement that don’t involve changing your number.
Organize your chats with chat folders: Tap and hold on a chat to create a folder or add it to an existing one. This will help keep your chats organized and makes it easier to find important conversations. You can also use the search bar at the top of the screen to quickly find a specific chat or message.

Use reactions: If you’re in a busy group conversation and don’t want to be disturbed by message alerts, you can mute individual users or the entire chat. To mute a chat, open the conversation, then tap on the top bar and select mute (iOS) or notifications (Android). You can choose a duration and even a specific date if necessary.
You can also set up custom notification sounds to get different sounds for specific people or groups. This way, you can have your friend’s ringtone play when he or she messages you, while you might only hear the sound of a typing tick on your colleague’s phone.
Send uncompressed media: Unlike other messaging apps, Telegram offers an easy-to-use feature for sending media without compression. Simply select your media, then tap the three-dot menu and select “Send without compression.” You can also enable this feature in settings under media options.
Save videos as GIFs: You can save any video on Telegram as a GIF by adding a timestamp. Simply type a time in the caption at the ‘Send Video’ window or in a reply to the video, and Telegram will automatically convert it into a GIF for you.
Change your phone number without losing your chat history: Unlike other messaging platforms, Telegram keeps all of your messages even after you change your phone number. When you change your number, the app will move all of your previous messages to your new account and automatically forward them to your contacts. You can even access your old chats from your new device if you log in using the same email address and password. To know more about this, head to this site.
You can also create channels and public groups on Telegram, which is a great way to share discount codes or other information with customers. You can also host voice chats to talk directly to your audience, which can be especially useful if you’re a business with a large customer base. To create a channel or public group, visit the Telegram website and follow the instructions on the page. You can also download the Telegram app for your Android or iPhone.